Chocolate hazelnut Bliss Bites recipe on

World Nutella Day: Chocolate Hazelnut Bliss Bites

Happy “World Nutella Day″ ! Yup, it’s a thing! Originally created by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, World Nutella Day is a day to celebrate, get creative with, and most importantly, eat Nutella.  In 2015, Sara transferred World Nutella® Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella®) to help it live on … Read more

Chocolate hazelnut spread recipe on

French Fridays: Tartinade choco-noisette (Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread)

A certain chocolate-hazelnut spread is ubiquitous at the breakfast table in France (and, I suspect, in many other countries around the world too). Personally, I can’t keep a jar of it in my house because it never makes it to the breakfast table. I have my mother’s sweet tooth to blame for that—when I was … Read more

Nutella twists and palmiers on

Nutella Twists and Palmiers for World Nutella Day 2019

Happy “World Nutella Day″ ! Yup, it’s a thing! Originally created by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, World Nutella Day is a day to celebrate, get creative with, and most importantly, eat Nutella.  In 2015, Sara transferred World Nutella® Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella®) to help it live on … Read more

Chocolate hazelnut financiers with Nutella Ganache on

Chocolate hazelnut financiers

Happy “World Nutella Day″ ! Originally created by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, World Nutella Day is a day to celebrate, get creative with, and most importantly, eat Nutella.  In 2015, Sara transferred World Nutella® Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella®) to help it live on and grow for years … Read more

Pots de creme with Nutella on

Nutella Pots de Crème

Happy “World Nutella Day″ Originally created by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, World Nutella Day is a day to celebrate, get creative with, and most importantly, eat Nutella.  In 2015, Sara transferred World Nutella® Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella®) to help it live on and grow for years to … Read more

Nutella eclair on

Nutella éclairs for World Nutella Day

Happy “World Nutella Day″ Originally created by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso, World Nutella Day is a day to celebrate, get creative with, and most importantly, eat Nutella.  In 2015, Sara transferred World Nutella® Day to Ferrero (the makers of Nutella®) to help it live on and grow for years to … Read more