Dorie Greenspan's macaron biscotti in a small blue bowl

Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Macaron Biscotti

This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe from Baking Chez Moi  was one we chose specifically to pair with the previous offering this month – Parisian macarons. After I baked, I snuck a few mismatched shells off the tray with this recipe in mind. It’s not something I’ve ever heard of before, to be honest – … Read more

A stack of Dorie Greenspan's Parisian Macarons on a white plate with autumn leaves in the background

Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Parisian Macarons

This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe from Baking Chez Moi  was one I guess folks have been putting off since it’s our THIRD LAST RECIPE (we started baking through this book in 2014!). Macarons intimidate a lot of people (and, indeed, Dorie’s recipe is LONG at first glance, although none of the steps are particularly … Read more

Basque Macarons from Dorie Greenspan Baking Chez Moi on

Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Basque Macarons

So, you think you can’t make macarons? Think again – this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe from Baking Chez Moi is the ORIGINAL macaron that anyone can make! That’s right – the original macaron was not a pretty sandwich cookie, though the basic ingredients (egg whites, almond flour and sugar) are the same. If you … Read more

MacaronDayTO image

Macaron Day Toronto 2017!

On March 20, 2017, Toronto pâtisseries will join forces with pâtisseries across the world to celebrate the Jour du Macaron! The Jour du Macaron originated in France (the creation of pastry chef Pierre Hermé) and is celebrated every March 20th.  Now, events take place all over the world including in Toronto, thanks to patisserie owner … Read more

Chocolate thumbprint cookies from Abby Dodge The Everyday Baker on

The Everyday Baker: Cookies

Welcome to this month’s instalment of The Everyday Baker review (I’m spreading it out over the course of a year because with over 170 recipes and 600+ pages, it’s a little hard to cover unless you divide it up into chapters!). This month, we’re looking at “Cookies”. Because you can’t have a baking book bible … Read more