Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Apple Speculoos Crumble (with digestive biscuits)

Dorie Greenspan speculoos crumble on eatlivetravelwrite.comSee that up there ^^^ It’s this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe from Baking Chez Moi. It’s an apple crumble where the crumble part is made from cookies and butter. It’s simply brilliant! A wonderfully easy way of making a crumble with pantry staples that tastes great. Dorie does it again!

Dorie’s recipe calls for speculoos cookies. Speculoo-what?

In Around my French Table, Dorie says:

Speculoos are crisp brown-sugar cookies that can be big or small (I make them very small), thin or thicker (mine are medium-thin), spicy or spicier (I lean toward spicier).  In general, the predominant spice is cinnamon – indeed, some recipes I’ve seen use cinnamon alone – but a little ginger and a pinch of cloves make the cookies slightly more complex.

These are a favourite cookie of mine (and one which I’m developing for my own book too!) but one which I could not find at short notice – these recipes were only selected last week and my timetable and schedule right now don’t allow for much wiggle room. So “find speculoos cookies in Toronto” didn’t fit into my plans this past week. Now, I’ve made Dorie’s recipe before and I know there’s a recipe in Baking Chez Moi as well but again, extra items to bake in my packed schedule? No room 🙁

Dorie Greenspan apple cookie crumble on eatlivetravelwrite.comSo I rummaged around the pantry and came up with a package of digestive cookies – buttery goodness right there – and wondered if they might work instead. Bingo! I reduced the amount of butter slightly (and of course, I already minified this to make two small serves!) and it worked a treat! So easy and so tasty. Such a smart idea.

Apple crumble with cookie crumble on eatlivetravelwrite.comBaked apples topped with buttery biscuits? What could be better?

This was definitely best the day I made it – I tasted it then and it was fabulous. The apples were firm and the crumble both crunchy and soft at the same time. The next day the apples were a little too soft (“baby food mushy”) for our liking. But the good news is that you can absolutely make ONE serving of this in a ramekin no problem. Perfect for when you’re craving something sweet but don’t want to bake a full recipe’s worth.

Get the recipe for Apple Speculoos Crumble here or on p 336 of Baking Chez Moi.

Baking Chez Moi Cover



Tuesdays with Dorie participants don’t publish the recipes on our blogs, so you’re encouraged to purchase Baking Chez Moi for yourself which you can do on Amazon (this link should bring you to the Amazon store in your country) or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository. Then join us, baking our way through the book!




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16 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Apple Speculoos Crumble (with digestive biscuits)”

  1. That looks sooo good. And digestive cookies – what a great idea. I gave up after 2 stores and seeing the price for biscoff online and made Dorie’s speculoos instead.

  2. So just a question: it is so rare to get a crumble that is crunchy… so when you say “crunchy and soft at the same time…” hmmm??
    What was it? I love crumble when it is crunchy and you hardly ever get it, even in restaurants.


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