Jill Colonna's fig tart

Meeting Jill Colonna at Un Dimanche à Paris and a fig tart recipe

Today I am welcoming the lovely Jill Colonna, author of Mad about Macarons.  I met up with her in Paris this summer for a delightful afternoon of tasty treats and non-stop chatter! When Mardi asked me to guest post on her blog, I was so excited.  Imagine being asked to do something for eat. live. … Read more

Mactweets: Take me out to the ballgame

I was a little stumped when this month’s Mactweets theme was announced – Ballpark snacks.  I mean, firstly, I have only ever attended one baseball game in my life (in my first year in Canada, Neil took me to the hockey, basketball and baseball, to Canadian-ize me) and it was the most boring thing I … Read more

Guacamole muffins recipe on eatlivetravelwrite.com

Guacamuffins and Guacpops for Cinco de Mayo

Miss Ava Cado, Mexico’s sultry avocado ambassador, loves Cinco de Mayo and wants to get Canadians excited about this fun-filled Mexican holiday.  Cinco de Mayo (May 5) is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862; It represents Mexican unity and patriotism.  Today, Cinco de … Read more

Homemade Iced Vo-Vo Biscuits on eatlivetravelwrite.com

Frosting for the Cause: Faux-vo biscuits

SEE BELOW FOR UPDATED INFORMATION ON THIS RECIPE I am thrilled to be participating in Paula of Vanilla Bean Bake’s Frosting for the Cause project.  “What is that?” you ask: Beginning January 1, 2011 a total of 365 sugar cookie & cupcake bakers/decorators and bloggers from across Canada and the United States will take turns … Read more