Banana chocolate chip muffin recipe on

Banana chocolate chip muffins (gluten and dairy free!)

So, little-by-little, I’m working my way through bits and pieces in my Covid pantry. Before the pandemic started, I actually had gone through the pantry and had a pretty good idea of what we had in there and was on a mission to work my way through especially the odd bits of flour, nuts and … Read more

Zucchini, Ham and Goat Cheese Muffins from French Appetizers on

Les Petits Chefs make Zucchini, Ham and Goat Cheese Muffins from French Appetizers

This week the Petits Chefs baked up a recipe I thought would be a nice one to introduce them to as we approach the Easter long weekend… Who doesn’t love savoury muffins? Especially ones stuffed with zucchini, prosciutto and goat cheese? Perfect for an Easter brunch, right? This particular version comes from Marie Asselin’s latest … Read more

Batch of Chocolate Zucchini Muffins from Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers on

Les Petits Chefs Cook the Books: Chocolate Zucchini Snack Cake Muffins from Best of Bridge Weekday Suppers

The Petits Chefs are back and this term we’re cooking our way through a bunch of cookbooks! For Week 1, I chose the latest from Best of Bridge, the iconic Canadian cookbook series whose latest is a collection of recipes to help you get dinner on the table, even during the busiest of weeks in … Read more

Hawaiian pizza muffins with Ceri Marshon

Les Petits Chefs make Hawaiian pizza muffins with Ceri Marsh

Is there anything better than pizza (in the eyes of  Petit Chef)? How about pizza in a portable form, without all the fuss? This week the boys were lucky to welcome Ceri Marsh of Sweet Potato Chronicles and Food Network Canada fame to the lab to cook up one of the recipes from their recent … Read more

Mini cranberry and oat muffins with Hewitt's 2% Natural Yogourt on

Mini cranberry oat muffins

This post is sponsored by Gay Lea. When the brief for this month’s Gay Lea post came out (back in early July), my heart sank. Back to school? Really? It felt like we had just started summer holidays. Even now, there are still a few solid weeks of vacation left so it’s hard for me … Read more