Last term the Petits Chefs tested some from my cookbook which was a fabulous experience for me (and a delicious one for them!). Watching kids make a dish and seeing how they react to instructions/ recipe directions was extremely useful for me in terms of figuring out how to explain simple instructions – it’s often the simplest recipes that are the hardest to explain!
One such recipe was crêpes which became all of a sudden much easier for me because a group of boys in my Grade 4 class elected to research crêpes as part of a French culture project (you might have seen the profiteroles another group researched last week) . They wrote research questions and answered them and decided they wanted to present their knowledge by making a recipe video. I worked alongside the boys, modelling each step for them and ended up with a video of my own that I absolutely adore. Definitely not Food Network ready but absolutely proof that kids can cook (French food)!
(note that this is not my recipe, it’s the recipe the boys found when they researched. It did make pretty nice crêpes though 😉 )
There’s nothing more gratifying than young hands in a kitchen.
As you can understand, the Kid is obsessed with crepes now so we will be using this recipe to teach him how to make them!
Oh it’s so easy to make your own but the atmosphere is not so easy to recreate!
Such a cute video and I love how approachable it is with little hands doing the work. I agree about it being difficult to describe how to make crepes, yet the act of making them is so easy once you roll up your sleeves and get to it.
Little hands do make everything seem do-able!