French Fridays with Dorie: Piperade stir fry

Piperade stir fry on eatlivetravelwrite.comThis week’s French Fridays with Dorie recipe is a great example of how a few simple ingredients with a simple preparation can really shine as a dish.  The Pipérade Stir Fry (p 341) is a version of the Basque specialty of pipérade – prepared with onion, green peppers and tomatoes sautéed with piment d’Espelette (and yes, the colours reflect the colours of the Basque flag – red, green and white).  Dorie’s version calls for adding in the onions and garlic at the end with a little red wine vinegar. Chez moi, this morphed into garlic and onions stir fried with the peppers and a dash of balsamic.  Definitely not traditional but lovely.

Dorie Greenspan piperade stir fry on eatlivetravelwrite.comAs Dorie says, it’s a stir fry from the South West of France!

Check out Dorie’s recipe for a real pipérade or a similar recipe for pipérade on

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12 thoughts on “French Fridays with Dorie: Piperade stir fry”

  1. It looks so festive! But I don’t see any green peppers in yours. There weren’t any in mine either. I like that you cooked the onions and garlic with the peppers. I did add them raw, but I added them to the warm peppers (not cooled), so they wilted a bit. Such a pretty dish!

  2. This one really was lovely – something to keep on hand often during the summer. It goes with just about any protein. I cooked all the elements, as well. It suited us a little better than the sharpness of raw onion and garlic in this dish.


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