Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Coconut Tapioca

Dorie Greenspan Baking Chez moi tapioca pudding on eatlivetravelwrite.comI’m sorry. This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was just not a winner with me. When I saw “coconut tapioca” my heart fell. I’m already not a huge fan of rice pudding so tapioca didn’t sound too promising. And then Dorie even admitted that it was the “dreaded dessert” at the school cafeteria when she was growing up. Yay, something in common with Dorie.  Except that she has tasted Pierre Hermé’s tapioca pudding which cued “fireworks” fireworks for her.  I figured that anything Dorie says is kinda gospel and given I have never made tapioca before, I felt that I should at least give it a go.

Sadly for me, my pudding clearly was not in the league of Hermé (obviously!). While the recipe called for large pearl tapioca, I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I had to use small pearl. Perhaps this was the problem? In any case it was WAY too gelatinous. Some other Doristas suggested folding whipped cream through the finished dish but I just couldn’t see myself eating this (I made 1/2 of the recipe and it made a LOT!) – I didn’t want to waste good cream. I tried folding dried cherries and toasted coconut through it to give the texture a little oomph but to no avail…  Even Cleo sniffed it and walked away without trying.

Clearly I need to seek out Hermé’s version this summer when I am in Paris…

Get the recipe for Dorie Greenspan’s coconut tapioca pudding here or on p 382 of Baking Chez Moi.

Baking Chez Moi Cover



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28 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Coconut Tapioca”

  1. Yeah… I just couldn’t be bothered to make this one. I neither care for tapioca (the consistency… Yuck!) nor coconut (OK except in macaroons and Girl Scout cookies), so this was an easy pass for me. With all the negative press I am glad to have not made it!

  2. I give you praises for trying this recipe! I had the same reaction as you to tapioca pudding and couldn’t even gather the enthusiasm to try this one.

  3. Tarted up boarding school fare, hahaha.

    Cleo walked away, and even Mr. Neil didn’t get a look.

    I paired this with a full bottle of Moulin-a-Vent Cru Beaujolais. In fact, it was replaced with said bottle. Mardi and I enjoyed THAT. 😉

  4. I already knew I don’t care for the texture of tapioca and totally changed the recipe. The thing that has made it edible for me is 1–chocolate! 2–other texture/flavor, I added some berries and nuts. You rock for trying it. Dorie does that to us. I baked with the group all through BFMHTY and definitely made things I never would have all in the name of Dorie. 😉

  5. I loved it and made it a second time, but then I already liked tapioca pudding. I do think I found the right tapioca as I had a wonderfully creamy texture.

  6. Jim loves tapioca so I wasn’t too concerned. Yours looks pretty, but, if you can’t eat it
    it really doesn’t matter, does it. I say try it in Paris, everything tastes better in Paris.

  7. I wish I could have bought a small batch like you did but sadly I have a giant bag. I am going to try to make pudding again but another recipe. For some reason this one does not work. Gelatinous is never a good adjective unless you are making Jello. Hopefully next month will be better.


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