Choosing Dorie Greenspan recipes on

French (Food Revolution) Fridays with Dorie: Dinner with Dorie

Everyone knows that teaching kids to cook is something I am passionate about.  Through my Petits Chefs and Cooking Basics classes, I’m teaching my students how to cook, yes, but also life skills that will serve them well as adults. This year, you’ll also know that for Food Revolution Day – TODAY –  Jamie Oliver … Read more

Chef Suzanne Baby at The Gallery Grill Hart House Toronto by eat. live. travel. write.

Les Petits Chefs visit The Gallery Grill (Toronto)

“Best. Field. Trip. Ever.”  Seriously, guys, everything can’t always be the “best”. Except it seems that being a Petit Chef these days is pretty darned awesome so maybe they are right! On Monday we headed to The Gallery Grill whose Chef Suzanne Baby just happens to be the sister of our own Ms Baby in the … Read more