French Fridays with Dorie: Sugar-crusted French toast

Sugar crusted French toast on eatliveravelwrite.comI think I must be in the minority of folks this week – I know a lot of people were looking forward to this week’s French Fridays with Dorie recipe (sugar-crusted French toast, p 418) but I’m just not a French toast kinda gal. I like the idea of French toast (and I don’t mind making it) but for breakfast, even brunch, I am on Team Savoury. I’m the kind of person who will want just a *bite* of someone else’s sweet dish (pancakes, French toast) so I rarely make it at home. Let alone when I am home by myself… The weekend I made this, Neil was out of town and I really debated skipping this one. But hey, in over 3 years I have not missed one week of FFWD so I sacrificed a slice of this gorgeous sourdough to make ONE lone slice of sugar-crusted French toast!

Sourdough loaf on eatlivetravelwrite.comMaking Dorie Greenpan's sugar crusted French toast on eatlivetravelwrite.comI know sourdough isn’t the proper type of bread to make French toast with but it’s what I had on hand.  I served this straight up, with just a sprinkle of icing sugar. I didn’t feel it needed syrup, it was sweet enough.  I liked the slight crunch from the sugar sprinkled on the toast before it’s fried. It was definitely nice enough but still wouldn’t be my choice over something savoury…

Dorie Greenspan's sugar crusted French toast for French Fridays with Dorie on eatlivetravelwrite.comI didn’t have any fruit on hand but this might have been nice in summer with some fresh berries. And of course, there’s nothing a slice of bacon doesn’t make better, right? 😉


French Fridays with Dorie participants do not publish the recipes on our blogs, we prefer if you purchase Around My French Table for yourselves which you can do here on Amazon or Amazon Canada. Or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository. Go on, treat yourself then join us here!



21 thoughts on “French Fridays with Dorie: Sugar-crusted French toast”

  1. Looks pretty good! Honestly….. sourdough was all I have in the bread bin and there will be a slice of it in tomorrow’s breakfast french toast. Bacon sounds FAB! but I run out…. ;((((

  2. LOL…I’m a lot like you…and Bill like Mr. Neil. This was more of a dessert to me…I can’t start my day with something so sweet, but am happy to end my day that way 🙂

  3. I lean heavily toward “team sweet” but am sad to report that I play pretty well on “team savory” as well. (Hence the carb and calorie watching on the non-French Friday days 🙂 That said, I was delighted that I made this late one evening this week for the family as it was decadent even for a dessert. Since this was right up my alley- no shock that I liked it so much. I also think I lucked out with the bread I ended up with at the local store because between that (halfway between a brioche and challah in rural Vt at a non fancy supermarket…..) and the crunchy grained sugar…it really helped the cause. Kudos for not missing a week – you are a rock star.

  4. I live in France and LOOOOOVE sweet french breakfasts, including french toast! Maybe you should have sent this one to me, Dorie. The photos made me drool. 🙂 I keep trying the savory breakfast thing, but it’s just not to my taste as the first thing I eat in the morning……even though I’m sure it’s much better for you…….

  5. I don’t usually like sweet breakfasts, though this wasn’t bad. I definitely liked it better as breakfast than I would have as dessert. Glad you didn’t skip this week. You’ve got to keep your streak going.

  6. I can’t believe you haven’t missed a recipe in 3 years! That is amazing and a huge accomplishment! I am glad you tried this even though you are a savory girl. 🙂 My husband would love this with sourdough.

  7. I like breakfasts sweet, savoury, and anywhere in between. This particular french toast was richer than I would normally like, with all the cream and egg yolks, but it was nice for a treat.

  8. Way to go! I admire participation but on your terms – one slice. I should have done that because I just wasn’t in the mood, and was kinda upset I had so much custard left over – popped the whole thing in the oven and missed the best part, sugar-crusted cooking technique. Oh well, will try when “sweet” overrides “savory” for me. (Love your site!)

  9. I’m totally with you on the savoury love, but I cannot spot a good French toast plate in a cafe without remarking on it to my dining companions. It will ALWAYS elicit an “Oooooh look at that!” and then I’ll go and order a pile of eggs and avocado and probably some sort of piggy item 🙂

  10. I have absolutely no problem starting and ending my day with “sweet”. And, if my body could handle the calories, I’d do it. I’m not a scientist but I’ve always felt if I have a pancakes, waffles, french toast or pastry breakfast, I’m going to have a Sugar Day and be craving something sweet all day. So, stick with your savory. I’ve made french toast with all kinds of breads, including sour dough, and it works fine. That loaf of bread looks fabulous. I am glad you didn’t miss this recipe – you’re on a streak. Keep it going. I suspect, from reading Mr. Neil’s comment, you will be making this soon for that guy that lives with you!!!

  11. I’m actually more of a savoury breakfast person, myself, as much as I like sweets. I went the single-serving route, too, with a brioche bun I picked up at a local bakery and some eggnog in place of the cream. It made for a nice dessert! Yours looks worth the sacrifice of a nice slice of sourdough.

  12. Interesting that it works so well with sourdough as well. We have French Toast occasionally…not really a regular thing by any means, but always enjoy it when we do have it. I made this today and have it set to post tomorrow. I had one piece but I would happily have eaten two…and we made it for lunch so all that sugar did not hit me right away in the morning. Your photos are always so nice.


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