French Fridays with Dorie: Spicy Vietnamese chicken noodle soup

Dorie Vietnamese soup condiments

For this week’s French Fridays with Dorie, we made a fabulous Vietnamese soup that is perfect for this all-of-a-sudden cold snap we are having.  I love all types of noodle soups and lived on them last summer in Laos, but rarely make them from scratch myself.  Dorie’s version (pp 98-100) is very accessible and doesn’t take long to make at all.  You might not think Spicy Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup is very French, but Vietnamese restaurants are all over France, Vietnam being a former French colony.  The base of this soup is in the spices… I poached chicken breasts as per the recipe but if you have leftover roasted turkey (ahem, like *some* people….), you could totally shred that into the finished soup. I loved the spice bag – it was so pretty…

And we used the last of our (sweet) peppers from the garden…

This was the perfect soup – tender chicken, a lot of taste and a little kick from the fresh red chiles I added to the finished bowl along with some grated lemongrass and lime zest before I dressed the finished bowl with mint and coriander…  But as you can see, it’s perfect with hardly any garnish too!

So far, we’re 3 for 3 with Around My French Table – and I made two more recipes over the weekend that were winners too. LOVING this book 🙂

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55 thoughts on “French Fridays with Dorie: Spicy Vietnamese chicken noodle soup”

  1. Your soup looks so inviting and I’m delighted that you liked it. And you’re right — it would be easy to put some already-cooked chicken or leftover T-day turkey into the soup.

  2. Mardi is treating me with travel memory dishes this week…mmm, thoughts of Hanoi. (Perfect for their anniversary celebrations this week!)

  3. huh, I didn’t know Vietnamese resteraunts were popular in France! You learn something new everyday.
    I love most Vietnamese cuisine, especially soups. I think this is one I could attempt, the ingredient list looks doable. 😉

  4. Oh yeah , it sure was fab, i agree!
    I left out the peppers but love the idea of the milder ones!
    Yeah the whole book is a winner!!

  5. I cannot stop raving about the book. And all the recipes so far have been outstanding. I spent a weekend in September visiting my daughter in Berkeley, and we had pho for the first time ever. Now I am beyond excited that Dorie has taught me how to prepare it.
    I love your photo.
    Greetings from California.

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  7. Beautifully done! We all are sick in this house and this will be the perfect remedy (although I might leave out the cilantro as we are a family to whom it tastes like soap). I’m very impressed by the peppers from the garden. I do have garden dreams, I lack the execution and ability.


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