Spinach and ricotta puff pastry rolls on eatlivetravelwrite.com

What’s cooking? Spinach and ricotta puff pastry rolls

Can you feel it? It’s that time of year again, when holiday party invites start arriving and you’re perhaps planning parties of your own… My favourite holiday parties are cocktail parties because, aside from the holiday cocktails that are served (mulled wine!), I love a party where you get to taste a lot of little … Read more

Tortilla chicken soup on eatlivetravelwrite.com

What’s cooking? Chicken tortilla soup

October. It’s the month my students look forward to from the start of the school year. It’s the first month when there are “fun things” happening – Thanksgiving long weekend and, of course, Hallowe’en (the subject of this month’s Kraft Canada #whatscooking assignment). Growing up in Australia, we didn’t celebrate Hallowe’en and when I lived … Read more