French Fridays with Dorie: Simple slow-roasted tomatoes

There is truly nothing more simple than this dish.  The only tricky thing is allowing 3 hours for the tomatoes to slow roast in the oven. Which I didn’t. I made Neil photocopy the recipes for the first few weeks of August’s French Fridays with Dorie so we could make them in Alsace (where we are right now) and Burgundy (where we will be next week) but didn’t read though this one completely before I started it.  Meaning that when we returned home from a day out in Strasbourg (eating hearty Alsatian fare) the other day and had planned a light meal including these tomates confites, my heart sunk to see they required three hours in the oven. No matter. I cranked up the heat and roasted them at around 400F (instead of the recommended 225F) for around an hour and they were perfect.

Neil and our friend Cathy decided they would be perfect for baguette bruschetta with a a bit of garlic and some fresh basil from the garden. Which they were. With a glass of rosé, bien sûr.

Dorie recommends making these and storing them in a jar in oil in the fridge for a few weeks and I am thinking when I get home I might just be doing this with the tomatoes on our vines at home. Such a simple technique. So tasty.

Want to join French Fridays with Dorie? Join here.

French Fridays with Dorie participants do not publish the recipes on our blogs, rather, we prefer if you purchase Around My French Table for yourselves (trust me, you definitely want this book!) which you can do here on Amazon or Amazon Canada. Or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository.

Keep up with me this summer through my Summer 2011 Flickr set. I will be updating this with day to day pictures (read: not all food photos!) fairly regularly so head on over there if you are interested. You never know what or who you might see there, like, you know… Dorie….

68 thoughts on “French Fridays with Dorie: Simple slow-roasted tomatoes”

  1. These look amazing! I got my copy of AMFT a couple of weeks ago and this was one of the first recipes that caught my eye! I’ve registered for FFWD but haven’t gotten organized enough yet to jump in… hopefully soon! Sorry again that we couldn’t meet while you were here, but I hope there will be another opportunity. Enjoy Alsace and Bourgogne!

  2. I just got my copy of Around My French Table last night (via Amazon) and ironically, this recipe caught my eye. I have tried a similar version of Molly Wizenberg’s but I definitely wanted to give this a shot. As always, I am envious of your travels. Be safe!

  3. How wonderful that you got to enjoy French Fridays in France! I’ll bet the tomatoes were even better & serving them on a baguette looks wonderful!

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  4. Wow..with baguette…nice !! I paired mine with pan fried dijon mustard pork chop and it was fabulous 🙂

    Have a great weekend,

  5. Great news! I’ve been slow roasting tomatoes forever but never even thought of cranking up the oven to do it faster!

  6. I love roasted tomatoes. Adds so much extra flavour goodness and it’s easy as possible yet produces amazing results. Nothing beats roasted tomatoes on toast or crostini with a glass of wine. Thanks!

  7. These look wonderful. And I have a huge bowl of cherry tomatoes from my garden class on the counter. Just the inspiration I needed.
    Thanks, Mardi.

  8. I’m loving all the great ideas of how other bloggers used these scrumptious tomato treats. Sounds like your trip to France has been marvelous.

  9. I don’t know how this didn’t come up in conversation with you but I am OBSESSED with roasted tomatoes (tomates confites). There is something about them just adds pop to anything they’re served with! Love that you managed to produce brilliant looking tomatoes in only an hour’s time! Beautiful beautiful!

  10. Oh, storing them in the oil is wonderful – it’s like getting a 2 x 1 recipe. I agree with you – a bit of bread is all you need with these lovely tomatoes. Keep enjoying your time abroad!

  11. I am really loving the posts with the tomatoes on bread and will have to try that with the ones I have in the refrigerator. Your photos are beautiful!

  12. Ooooh yours look like sun-dried tomatoes…they’re beautiful!
    I, too, crank up the heat and make these within an hour! 🙂

  13. LOVED your post. Gorgeous photos – I wish I could bite right into that baguette now. And the wine wouldn’t hurt either !! And doing this while in Alsace ? Bestill my heart. Nana and I did the Rue De Vin several years back and I would hit it again in a heartbeat. Kudos to you for completing this while in France and enjoy every single moment (and bite 🙂 ~

  14. Ooh, bruschetta is a terrific idea. Your tomatoes look quite happy, even if they had to roast at 400 instead of 225! Sounds like your summer is going great…wish I was spending some time in france this summer too!

  15. I finally got around to making them and they were perfect tucked into Bison Burgers I made last night. I’m afraid they aren’t lasting long as I’m eating the rest like candy. Its good to know I can speed the process if need be.

  16. Pingback: Pulled chicken burger | Addictive and consuming - A Melbourne food blog

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