If you’ve been paying attention to the foodie stock markets recently, you’ll know that stock in ramps is definitely UP! All over food and recipe websites, ramps have made their annual appearance (they’re spring vegetables that grow from South Carolina up to Canada) and suggestions for what to do with their pearly white stems abound.
In searching for inspiration for our recently arrived organic ramps, I happened upon this recipe from the Amateur Gourmet which I liked for its simplicity and because it really made the ramps the star of the dish. Since we also had organic asparagus that needed to be used and since we didn’t have fresh bread to make breadcrumbs, I improvised a little to create a nonetheless delicious dish that, even meatless as it was, drew a resounding lip-smacking from our resident carnivore (aka Neil).
First we Neil cleaned and prepared the ramps and asparagus. Seemed like a lot of work for a small amount of the vegetables.
The ramps we had the other night at The Chefs’ House had their little green leafy tails left on but ours were looking decidedly grim, so we opted for the less attractive presentation (I actually prefer them like this, since the green leaves go soggy really quickly when steamed or grilled…).
Then we grilled them in a little butter and olive oil with some pepper and sea salt…
Then I tossed the spaghetti in a little olive oil and some toasted breadcrumbs and served one with grated fresh parmesan on the spaghetti (Neil) since The Amateur Gourmet said “no cheese” this was my compromise for not having tasty fresh breadcrumbs…
and one with the parmesan grated on top of everything (me).
Next time, I would try with fresh breadcrumbs and maybe toss a tiny amount of fresh parmesan through the spaghetti before serving.
Verdict: A light, fresh springtime dish. The ramps are indeed a cross between spring onions (scallions), garlic and regular onion but without the aftertaste. Next spring, I will definitely be looking out for these for a special meal since their price does not really make them an affordable everyday ingredient (I think these were about $3-4 for the tiny amount pictured above).
I have never heard of these but your descriptions and photos are mouth-watering. Is it too late to find them in Chicago? Love your blog.
Hi Kathy,
Hmmm… not sure if you can still find them in Chicago – in our organic delivery they were touted as being available for a short time only. You could try a Whole Foods-type store perhaps?
Actually, I was thinking we (I) could fill a plot in the abck yard and grow them. I don't think they need much care, and would be right outside the back door. (The same place for our herb garden.) I just discovered ramps at my Camp SCugog weekend (having peeled a few hundred in the kitchen), and love them!
You inspired me to pick up some ramps today. THANKS!! Figtreeapps
the dish looks great! i will have to look at our farmer's market this weekend to see if there are still any available here.