Tuesdays with Dorie: Jelly Roll Cake from Baking with Dorie

This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe comes from Baking with Dorie. Jelly Roll Cake is a recipe I love to eat but don’t tend to make often because it’s little bit fussy – or so I thought! This recipe might have changed my mind! I have made a couple of “Swiss Rolls” in the past (notably this one for Daring Bakers – remember them? – in 2010) and in my head, it feels complex… There are definitely some challenges but it’s a step-by-step process that if you take it slowly isn’t that complicated.

Ok, so as you can see, I didn’t get much of a “roll” – I made 2/3 of the recipe in a quarter sheet pan (<<< affiliate link but I love mine!) and rolled this with the long side facing me. I figured because it was so small, rolling with the short side facing me would have made gigantic-sized rolls; instead, I ended up with barely enough cake to roll ONCE after it had been filled but ok, it *is* still kind of a roll! Just not a pretty spiral!

I made the cake the day before we needed to eat it and kept it rolled, wrapped in a clean tea towel overnight. I found it a bit tricky to unroll and fill the next day – it was very tightly wound – maybe because it was gluten-free?

I made mine using Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free 1 for 1 flour (<<< affiliate link but this is a reliable GF all-purpose flour) as we had a GF guest coming to enjoy this with us and it was fine. Perhaps the crumb was a little denser than a non GF version but honestly once it was filled and topped, you couldn’t really notice!

Dorie’s photo showed one with sprinkles so, of course I went in with the hundreds and thousands.

I filled mine with whipped cream and some chopped up strawberries…

And because the cake isn’t really super sweet and the cream didn’t have any sugar in it, I served it with some strawberries that had been mixed with a tiny bit of sugar to bring out the sweetness and some juice…

Lucky neighbours got to take two slices away too!

Verdict: this was not as fussy as I imagined and SO delicious! Next time I’d roll the other way but I *would* make this again!

Get the recipe for Jelly Roll Cake on p 135 of Baking with Dorie.

Buy Baking with Dorie and join us baking through the book!

Baking with Dorie cover.

Buy Baking with Dorie on Amazon (this link should bring you to the Amazon store geographically closest to you). For free worldwide shipping, buy it on Blackwell’s. To support your local Indie bookstore, purchase on Bookshop.org.

Then join us over on Tuesdays with Dorie and bake your way through the book!


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Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of “Baking with Dorie” for review purposes. I was not asked to write about the book, nor am I being compensated for doing so. All opinions are 100% my own.


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6 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie: Jelly Roll Cake from Baking with Dorie”

  1. Also: delightful as gluten-free. Not sure I’d ever know. With fresh local strawberries, this was a delight – and love the fact it was NOT too sweet.

  2. How fun and festive! Especially on that beautiful blue plate. I rolled mine up the long way, too, and didn’t get much of a swirl but since I wasn’t really serving anyone other than us…I didn’t mind. I made a note in my book to try what you suggested about rolling it up the short way next time. Thank you.

  3. I feel like your cake seems more airy than mine..especially after the rolling and cooling in the towel. It seemed to really compress. 🤷‍♀️..no worries though, it got eaten haha. I love the sprinkles you chose and the strawberry filling


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