Cook the Book Fridays: White Beans and Smoked Fish + Garnish: Quick Pickled Onions or Cucumbers from Everyday Dorie

This week’s recipe for Cook the Book Fridays comes from Dorie Greenspan’s cookbook, Everyday Dorie. White Beans and Smoked Fish  was not something I was looking forward to (not a fan of fish, especially smoked fish) and as I was going to be making this in Nérac, I needed a fish-eating friend to share with (Neil is usually my fish-eater for these cook-the-book posts!).

Luckily I found a willing friend and took myself to the Saturday morning market to… buy smoked fish. Not something I do often but thankfully there are a bunch of fishmongers there who have all sorts of offerings – even “not too fishy-tasting fish” for me and my salad LOL!.

There I was buying the “Least fishy flavoured fish” (my own words LOL!). – herring, according to the fishmonger…

And sure, I made the dish as it was written =- basically a light white bean salad with a mustard vinaifrette with a hint of citrus (lemon) and the smoked fish. No photos of this as I served it well after the sun set and didn’twan to put my guest through a photo session! BUT…

Ok, that’s the salad with poached chicken and it works REALLY well (so well that I’ll probably make it, or a variation) again!).

I did NOT make the optional quick pickled onions (just no time) but I’ve made them before and can see how they would complement this dish.

My guest LOVED the light salad with the smoked herring (and a little fresh baguette to sop up that vinaigrette) and I snuck a small forkful as well. Tasty – if you like fish – but not for me. Loved the rest of the dish though!

Get the recipe for Dorie Greenspan’s White Beans and Smoked Fish on p 102 of Everyday Dorie

Buy Everyday Dorie and join us cooking our way through the book!

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Buy Everyday Dorie on Amazon (this link should bring you to the Amazon store geographically closest to you) then join us over on Cook the Book Fridays!

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Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of “Everyday Dorie” for review purposes. I was not asked to write about the book, nor am I being compensated for doing so. All opinions 100% my own.


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3 thoughts on “Cook the Book Fridays: White Beans and Smoked Fish + Garnish: Quick Pickled Onions or Cucumbers from Everyday Dorie”

  1. Good job for making it work! I agree, will make next time with baked salmon since we like that better than smoked…but overall the salad was tasty and light!

  2. I love that you used garbanzo beans in your salad too. I am glad you had a fish eating friend to share that version.


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