Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Plum Crumb Tart

Dorie Greenspan Plumb Crumb Tart on eatlivetravelwrite.comThis week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was the perfect dessert to celebrate one year of French home-ownership.  This was enjoyed after a simple, yet superb, dinner of roast chicken (the new oven passed the “roast chicken test”), roast potatoes and ratatouille enjoyed out on our terrace paired with a wonderful Tavel rosé.  I wasn’t able to use cherries as there were none to be found on the market so we substituted plums instead. They worked a treat, as would, I imagine, any other stone fruit.

On reading the recipe it looks a little complicated but each stage is fairly simple to make in itself.  Basically it’s a buttery shortcrust topped with frangipane (an almond cream) layered with cherries (in my case, plums), then topped with a buttery crumble. We served this at room temperature and even lacking the ice cream we thought it might benefit from, it went down a treat. Some people had seconds. Others were excited by the prospect of leftovers for breakfast the next day.

Slice of Dorie Greenspan's Plum Crumb Tart from Baking Chez Moi for Tuesdays with Dorie on eatlivetravelwrite.comDorie, you’ve simply outdone yourself with this one. Outstanding.

And never fear, our future rental guests will be able to recreate this for themselves since all the equipment they need is in the kitchen and Baking Chez Moi is in the house cookbook collection (bien sûr!).

I’ll be making this again. And mum, if you’re reading – this is a dessert that dad would very much enjoy (just saying….).

Get the recipe for Dorie Greenspan’s Cherry Crumb Tart here or on p 148 of Baking Chez Moi.

Baking Chez Moi Cover



Tuesdays with Dorie participants don’t publish the recipes on our blogs, so you’re encouraged to purchase Baking Chez Moi for yourself which you can do on Amazon or Amazon Canada or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository. Then join us, baking our way through the book!




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17 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Plum Crumb Tart”

  1. Congratulations on your French home ownership! What a great thing! Your setting for such a wonderful meal sounds ideal. Like you, I also used plums as cherries here are definitely out.

  2. Congratulation on your house in France. Your tart looks lovely and the curst is not too dark. We really liked this one and you can use all kinds of fruit even frozen as I did so there is no excuse over the winter months not to have a great tart.

  3. Congratulations! You sound like Dorie v2.0! Great idea with using plums as a cherry substitute! Your tart looks amazing (I didn’t realize that plums would turn pink when they bake)!

  4. I’m glad you enjoyed it. The plums sound like they were a great alternative to the cherries. Unfortunately, this tart was just too buttery for me.

  5. I probably am just as excited about the oven passing the “roast chicken” test as I am knowing that you are joining Team Crumb Tart with a thumbs up this week. Everyone seems to have loved this dessert although, I do agree, it seems a bit complicated at first. I finally got the Brown Butter-Peach Tourte baked this week. This is peach season around here but our cherries are wonderful as well. Plums sound good to me. Mardi, I am so happy you both are celebrating Year #1 and know you will celebrate many anniversaries of all kinds in your maison française.

  6. Your plum tart looks great, I will have to make one before the summer is over. I prefer that over
    the cherry tart, but Jim loves them both. Happy Anniversary, I’m sure you are both having a ball with all the planning and such on your home, it must be such fun.

  7. This one is already making a run for the (eventual) “best of” list Mardi will be asking me for suggestions from this book, once she’s baked her way through it. 🙂

  8. Congratulations on the anniversary! I’m a little bit jealous, but I love getting to experience your adventures via social media! I loved this recipe, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be trying it again with all the different fruit choices I’ve been seeing on the posts!


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