Glimpses from a long weekend

Yup, it definitely feels like Spring has sprung!  We had apéritifs and TWO meals outdoors over Easter.  Here’s a few glimpses of our long weekend…

Mini eggs were eaten…

Champagne was consumed…

And wine…

We ate by candlelight…

Ate some cheese…

And ate dessert for breakfast…

Along with freshly baked cinnamon buns…

We made pasta with our Kitchen Aid pasta attachment for the first time…

I made Massimo Bruno’s egg balls from our epic meal at the supper club the other week…

We had a massive ham… (yay for leftovers)

And I remade the inside-out carrot cake cookies for Easter lunch dessert featuring California walnuts…

Sigh. If only every weekend could be so perfect (and long!).

50 thoughts on “Glimpses from a long weekend”

  1. Long weekends are definitely a thing of beauty. It appears that you guys did not do without in the good food and libation departments. The egg balls and cinnamon rolls are items I could definitely see myself eating way too much of. That milk braise in soup sounds like a killer idea as well. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Oh Mardi how delightful, what a superb way to spend Easter, and more so with just a hint of Australia thrown in, in the shape of a bottle!!

    Aah, I wish crocuses were a sign of Spring here, unfortunately they raise their little heads as a sign of rain.

  3. Now I’m really sorry I didn’t make it; everything looks delicious and wondering…will there be a recipe for Egg Balls? They look so good!

  4. What a restful… yet productive weekend. How did you fit so much into it and make it appear so leisurely? Were the egg balls tasty? What did they taste like? They look interesting – and like something I have no frame of reference for. I would like to know more about these.
    Your photos are beautiful.

  5. Hi Mardi – What a wonderful and fabulous spread to share with family and friends. The food looks delectable and the company must be delightful. Doesn’t get better than this does it?

    I am so glad to visit and say hello. I’ve seen you around and wanted to pop in and say hello. Would love if you’d do the same.

    Ciao, Devaki @

  6. I love how you are telling a story with your picture. Life is short – eat dessert first! Like a Swedish Cupcake 😀

  7. What a delicious weekend, both visually and gastronomically! YUM!
    Must remember to include champagne next year…..
    Thanks for the beautiful post,


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